While it is impossible to predict the future I can certainly tell you with 20/20 vision what happened in the past!!!!...... Well who can't ????..... I can tell you NOT ONE of my clients lost money in their retirement accounts that I set up for them. As a matter of fact most of them earned around 11% on their retirement or savings. Did your IRA or 401K earn 11% in 2012? Once again, it is difficult to predict the future, but armed with information, predicting the future can be made a little easier. Here's what I see in my crystal ball for 2013:
1. Housing returns to pre-boom numbers in most US areas.
2. Your taxes are going up and I don't care how much or little you earn.
3. Gas will average around the $4.00 per gallon price in 2013, even with increased oil production..go figure!
4. A ban on assult weapons; not with this Congress, even though Obama will press the issue.
5. Look for the Republican Congress to open the door (sort of) to illegal immigrants.
6. It is a good bet that Israel launches missiles into Iran in 2013.
7. A divided Supreme Court will come out in favor of gay marriage.
8. The debt ceiling will be raised but not in time for a credit downgrade, this will weigh on the economy
and slow down employment.This will also lead to increased acquistions and mergers which leads to lost
jobs. Don't look for gross domestic product to increase much past 1.75%-2.0% in 2013. Too much
9. Even with the mess in Washington, I do look for certain stocks to increase in value, especially if they
are part of the S & P 500.
The items mentioned above will have either an indirect or direct effect on your retirement portfolio. My predictions last year were good enough for my clients to earn double digit gains on their accounts. Lets revisit in December 2013...I am sure I will owe someone a lunch!!!!